Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically through Journal's email address E MAIL ID along with a covering letter preferably by the corresponding author or first author. Each manuscript will be provided with a manuscript ID and all correspondence is done through e-mail. Please always refer to the manuscript ID for any further enquiries.
Title (150 character or shortened title)
Full name of authors (see Authorship section below)
Author affiliations: department, institution, city, state, country
The source of any support received
Abstract not more than 300 words
3–8 keywords
Corresponding author: name, communication address, phone, fax, email
1 inch margins
Page numbers
Clear concise language
Incorporate tables and/or figures with their legends into the main body of text.
Indicate arrangement of tables and figures
The preferred electronic format for text is Microsoft Word
Manuscripts will be accepted in English and in MS Word 2003 & 2007 format.
Use International Systems of Units (SI) symbols and recognized abbreviations for units of measurement